This page is where we will post COVID-19 updates. (Updated August 9th, 2023)
August 9th, 2023 The Tri-City Prep School Board
Tri-City College Prep School Board of Education reviewed the current COVID information and decided to make no changes to the current mitigation plan. Clarification on available items was added.
Tri-City College Prep School Board of Education
May 11th, 2022 The Tri-City Prep School Board
Tri-City College Prep School Board of Education reviewed the current COVID information and decided to make no changes to the current mitigation plan. The plan will again be looked at during the August school board meeting at the beginning of the new school year.
Tri-City College Prep School Board of Education
April 13th, 2022
The Tri-City Prep School Board voted to update the school’s COVID Mitigation Plan to match new information coming from the CDC, health department and government regulations. The new plan will be updated and posted above on this page.
Tri-City College Prep School Board of Education
January 12th, 2022
The Tri-City Prep School Board voted to update the school’s COVID Mitigation Plan to match new information coming from the CDC, health department and government regulations. The new plan will be updated and posted above on this page.
Tri-City College Prep School Board of Education
July 3rd, 2021
At this time, Tri-City College Prep School Board has decided to return to all normal activities not specified in the updated COVID Mitigation Plan. The 2021-2022 school year will be in-person with no distance learning option available.
Tri-city College Prep School Board of Education
January 13th, 2021
At this time, Tri-City College Prep School Board has decided to extend our distance learning plan until January 28th, 2021. We do not take the closing of in-person education lightly, but with the COVID-19 metrics in our area still being high in the substantial spread zone we feel compelled to remain in our distance learning plan currently. Our Board of Education will re-evaluate our current situation at the next school board meeting on January 27th. Online surveys will be distributed prior to the meeting date.
Campus will be closed during this time, including our school offices. Students can come to collect items from their lockers as needed. If you need office or administrative service, please contact us to make an appointment. As no in-person classes will be held for these days, students will be meeting with their teachers just as they have been over the last several school weeks via Teams. Please continue to check your email for updates from the teachers and staff.
If you need or would benefit from on-site services for your student(s) please email [email protected]. Service will be available in the library from 8am-3:30pm Monday- Thursday. If you are having any technical difficulties or computer issues, please contact Matt Halvorson at [email protected] . If you have any general questions, please call Tri-city College Prep High School at 928-777-0403 or email [email protected]. For questions about COVID-19 testing and resources, please call the Yavapai County Phone Bank at 928-442-5372.
Tri-city College Prep School Board of Education
Jan. 2, 2020
Dear TCP Family:
At this time, Tri-City College Prep School has decided to extend our distance learning plan for the first two weeks of our Spring Semester, Jan. 4th – Jan. 14th. We do not take the closing of in-person education lightly, but with the COVID-19 metrics in our area still being high in the substantial spread zone we feel compelled to remain in our distance learning plan currently. Our Board of Education will re-evaluate our current situation at their monthly school board meeting on January 13th.
As no in-person classes will be held for these days (Jan-4th-14th), students will instead be expected to meet with their teachers just as they did before Winter Break; middle school students will follow the Monday/Wednesday online, Tuesday/Thursday independent work schedule and high school students will follow their normal schedules in accordance with their teachers. Please continue to check your email for updates and schedules from the teachers and staff.
If you need or would benefit from on-site services for your student(s) please email thalvorson@tricityprep. Service will be available in the library from 8am-3:30pm Monday- Thursday. If you have any general questions, please call Tri-city College Prep High School at 928-777-0403 or email [email protected]. For questions about COVID-19 testing and resources, please call the Yavapai County Phone Bank at 928-442-5372.
Tri-city College Prep School Administration
December 9th, 2020
Dear TCP Family:
This letter is to inform you that a child or staff member with a positive test result was present at Tri-city College Prep High School. Immediate action was taken to follow extra safety precautions. We are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with our local health department.
With the health and safety of students and staff members at Tri-city College Prep High School being a priority, our school board has decided to close on our campus to in-person learning and move to our continued distance learning plan. Please check your email for directions on what this will look like for your student. TCP plans to return to in-person learning starting January 4th, 2021 with our normal schedule.
If your child develops any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (cough, shortness of breath, fever, fatigue, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea), immediately call your doctor and let them know about your child’s exposure and symptoms so that they can tell you what to do next. Your doctor can make special arrangements to evaluate you, if needed.
For questions about COVID-19 testing and resources, please call the Yavapai County Phone Bank at 928-442-5372.
If you need on-site services for your students, it will be available in the library from 8am-3:30pm Monday- Thursday. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this. If you have any questions regarding school, please call Tri-city College Prep High School at 928-777-0403 ext. 405 or email [email protected].
Tri-city College Prep School Board
December 4th 2020
TCP is closely monitoring the pandemic situation within our school and our community. We are aware that our community dashboard has gone into the substantial spread category but we have also been in contact today with the Yavapai County Health Department, who believes that TCP is not showing the effects of that spread. With this information, the TCP School Board has decided to maintain our current schedule with in-person education.
We cannot thank our TCP families enough for being attentive in helping keep our exposure down by continuing to stay home if anyone in the family is feeling sick and self-quarantining with any possible exposures. We are still expecting students and staff to continue to be observant of our mask policy and we are continuing to disinfect between classes and around our campus. As a reminder, our school is only as healthy as our families. Please consider how your activities outside of school could affect not just your health but our entire school.
We will still be monitoring continually with the Health Department to ensure we have a safe learning environment. If we do need to make any changes to the schedule, we will be informing our TCP families through our School Messenger system. As a reminder, if there was a known case and your student was in direct contact, you would be notified in accordance with our mitigation plan. If you have any questions please email our principal, Keri Milliken, at [email protected] .
Thank you for your continued support!
November 24th 2020
In order to clarify any misinformation, at this time TCP has no known cases of COVID-19. We continue to follow our mitigation plan and work with our local health department to keep everyone at TCP safe. If there was a known case and your student was in direct contact, you would be notified in accordance with our mitigation plan. Our mitigation plan can be found on our website. Currently, there is no change to our current schedule. If we need to make any changes, will be informing our TCP families through our School Messenger system.
August 25th 2020
The School Board reconvened today, August 25th, to review student participation in extra-curricular activities and sports. It was determined that all students, including continued distance learners, may participate in extra-curricular activities and sports with the submission of the attached Waiver, Release, and Assumption of Risk Form. One release form will suffice for participation for any and all extra-curricular activities and sports. The completed form must be submitted to Mrs. Milliken at [email protected] prior to students being permitted to participate.
August 22nd 2020
When our School Board met, they wanted to create a plan to help those families who did not want to return to in-person education due to COVID-19 concerns. After reviewing the data, it was expected that about 10% of our school population may chose this route. In their consideration they had to consider liability to the school and teachers, teachers’ time, and abilities, and how to “keep standards high and help students reach them”. The following are the parameters the School Board set for creating a Continued Distance Learning model –
For Non-Returning Continued Distance Learning Students –
- No live streaming from classroom due to FERPA and privacy concerns for those students in the classroom.
- All Continued Distance Learning Students will have a self-guided academic instruction provided by their teachers though our digital resources (aka email, Moodle, Khan Academy, One Note, etc)
- Teacher will have Teams tutoring/instruction available for these students to access weekly.
- All IEP, 504, and ELL plans will be followed.
- Parent/Guardians must fill out a request form and submit to administration in order to qualify for Continued Distance Learning. It will be available on our website.
Within this model, teachers still have the freedom to create curriculum for their subject area(s) as they would with in-person learners. Due to the liability concerns and time restraints, it was also decided that this must be primarily self-guided instruction and would not necessarily align with the student’s in-person class schedule. Completion of seat time (required for all students by the state of Arizona) would be based on completion of assigned work each day. Even though Continued Distance Learning Students would not have daily face time with each teacher, the School Board did want to ensure that they had digital contact daily (aka email, Moodle, Khan Academy, OneNote, etc) and at least a weekly opportunity to have tutoring/instruction face time via Teams.
If you have chosen the Continued Distance Learning Student Model, please know that you will be receiving information from each teacher prior to the first day of class. It will be the student’s responsibility to check email and Moodle for daily lesson plans and instruction. Some teachers may post video of lectures or activities that were completed in-person and therefore not available until a later time. Teachers will make sure due dates for these items align with when the material gets posted. If a student does not access and complete the work that was given each day this will affect their grade as well as their seat time for the class. Loss of too much seat time may result in loss of credit. If there is an issue with accessing the curriculum given, the student must reach out immediately to the teacher and if it is a technology issue Mr. Halvorson at [email protected] .
August 20th 2020
As of today, August 20th Yavapai County has met all our benchmarks and we are in the green.
- Our middle school students will begin in person instruction on Monday, August 24th at 8am with their regular schedules.
- Our high school students will begin in person instruction on Wednesday, August 26th with their fall semester classes.
If you do not wish for your student to return to in-person learning please fill out the above Continued Distance Learning Request and email the request to Keri Milliken at [email protected] .
Please remember that when your student returns to in-person they must wear a face covering, mask and/or shield. If you have a personal health condition or a disability that prohibits the wearing of a face covering, please contact Keri Milliken at [email protected] before returning to in person instruction.
All teachers, staff, students, and families are expected to self-screen before coming to school each day. Screening should include a check for new onset of cough or shortness of breath, or at least two of the following symptoms: loss of sense of smell or taste; fever (100.4 or higher); chills; muscle pain; sore throat; gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting or nausea. If you or any close contacts are experiencing these symptoms, please stay home and call the front office to report the reason for the absence. Students should also contact their teachers to make sure they are getting all their make-up work and keeping up with the classroom curriculum.
If we have a reported COVID-19 case on campus or if our community spread levels increase, we will be working with our local health department and sending out information to our families about next steps. If we must close our campus, we will immediately return to our all digital learning plan as to ensure continuation of instruction.
Above is our school’s full TCP Mitigation Plan for more details on returning to in-person instruction. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Keri Milliken at [email protected] .
August 13th 2020
Dear TCP Families –
Yesterday our school board met and voted on a mitigation plan for re-opening our school. At this time, our plan is to re-open, once the ADHS Dashboard goes “green”, to any student who wants to return to in-person learning. The dashboard is updated each Thursday and we will send out an email letting everyone know where we stand. Once we get the green light we will resume in-person classes beginning the following Monday. If you do not wish for your student to return to in-person learning please go to our website and fill out the Continued Distance Learning Request and email the request to Keri Milliken at [email protected].
As of today, August 13th Yavapai County has not met all our benchmarks and we are not green. Our middle school and high school students will continue with our online Distance Learning Model, just like we have been doing, for the week of August 17-20th.
For our athletes, earlier this week the CAA voted to put fall sports on a freeze until September allowing the state and the CAA more time to gather a better look at the state of Arizona during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This means that we CANNOT hold tryouts or practices until the CAA releases a new schedule that allows athletes to get back into an approved period for practice. With that being said, we will not be holding tryouts for any sports on Monday, August 17th. We will keep you updated when this freeze is lifted from the CAA allowing schools to continue practicing. The CAA has announced that they are still planning on having a Fall Sports season even if it has to be altered to fit the current situation. Please see the attached letter from our Athletic Director more details.
Attached below is the full TCP Mitigation Plan for you to read to help everyone understand when and how we will return to in-person learning.
Attached below is the current sports update.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Keri Milliken at [email protected].
July 25th 2020
Dear TCP Family –
Thank you for your patience as we work through this unprecedented time. At this time, both our own TCP Board of Education and the Department of Education with the Governor have given us guidance for starting our school year which we want to share with you. These items are still subject to change as the pandemic situation changes and as we receive more guidance from the State promised by August 7th.
At this time, we are still committed to August 5th being our 2020-2021 start date for all grade levels. Due to Governor Ducey’s executive orders, we will be starting our year in a distance learning format but continuing with our planned curriculum. Our middle school students will be starting their fall semester. Our high school students will be starting with the 3-week courses they are enrolled in and all our freshmen will be participating in freshman first which includes classes in Math, English, Science, Music, and Study Skills. Regular fall semester will begin on August 26th for all high school students.
For our school-wide Distance Learning we will be ensuring each student has a computer and all the books and materials needed for the class(es). Middle school, freshman, and transfer students will have scheduled pick up times for these materials before school begins. Our current 10-12 graders will be receiving course information directly from their teacher for resources. Please check your email for this information. We want our Distance Learning to be consistent with a normal school day, therefore teachers will be meeting with their students at regularly scheduled times via Microsoft Teams and attendance to these meetings is required. If a student cannot make an online class, parents still need to notify the school of this absence by phone or email. All materials and assignments given during Distance Learning will be counted as part of the curriculum and grades for the class. Even though we are apart, TCP wants this learning time to be valuable and as close to the classroom curriculum as possible.
TCP is committed to getting students back in the classrooms as soon as it is safe and recommended to do so. Governor Ducey stated yesterday in his Executive Order 2020-51, that schools will be given benchmarks that should be reached before returning to in person education. These benchmarks will be made available to us by August 7th. We have worked diligently to implement what we believe will be expected for TCP to return to in person education, but we cannot guarantee this until these benchmarks have been set. Our plan is still to have all middle school students back to campus starting on August 17th and all high school students on August 26th. If these dates become unattainable, we will continue our distance learning until we can return to in person education.
Once the benchmarks are reached, we will transition back to in person education. Part of Governor Ducey’s Executive Order requires schools “to require face coverings, such as face masks or face shields, for all staff and students over the age of five until the Arizona Department of Health Services determines that face coverings are no longer necessary…”. Our TCP School Board has also issued guidance for returning staff and students:
- Masks and/or shields will be required in the classroom settings and when social distancing is not possible.
- TCP will provide other basic PPE and Health items to ensure everyone is safe on campus. TCP will have face coverings on hand for students who do not have them.
- Social distancing guidelines must be enforced as much as possible.
- No visitors will be allowed on campus. Anyone coming onto campus should call the front office (928-777-0403) first and remain in the car. If someone needs to come in, please go straight to the school office.
- Create a quarantine area for any students who become ill while on campus until pick up arrangements can be made.
- Follow all County, State, Federal laws and guidance for the pandemic.
Our School Board also saw the need for families who are not comfortable with a return to the classroom to have an option for continued distance learning. For those who want to apply for this option, there will be a Request for Distance Learning form that must be completed. The Continued Distance Learning option will provide students with digital resources to complete all classwork through Moodle and other digital resources each teacher uses in the classroom (examples – OneNote, Khan Academy, etc), It will also ensure that tutoring opportunities are made available weekly for all distance learning students who may need help with the class work. Students choosing Continued Distance Learning must be self-motivated and understand this is not a classic classroom setting with specific meeting times, group work, and classroom discussion. Students may be asked to complete alternative assignments to ensure curriculum and educational continuity is being met.
TCP is also preparing for what happens if COVID-19 finds its way to our campus. If TCP becomes aware of any staff or student who has been diagnosed with or exposed to COVID-19 we will work with our local health agency and inform staff, students, and families who had close contact with that individual while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with FERPA, HIPPA, and the CDC guidelines. We are asking everyone to be vigilant with their health in these times and if you feel sick, stay home; if you have been exposed to COVID, stay home and follow the CDC isolation guidelines. If the school has to shut down due to a COVID outbreak we will immediately return to our School Wide Distance Learning Plan and continue with a continuity of education.
We know that there are still pieces to this puzzle to be placed and that this will not answer all questions, but we hope it is a starting place to help you make informed decisions for your family. We are still working on sports, clubs, and other items that are part of the regular school experience. In accordance with Executive Order 2020-51, “onsite support services will be available to a limited number of students with specific needs and does not require traditional teacher-led in-person classroom instruction. These services allow students who need a safe place to go to engage in distance learning away from home”. If you believe your family is in need of this service please contact our Principal Keri Milliken at [email protected] to make arrangements. Please go to our website at for continuing information about our COVID-19 response and links to documents and forms related to this response and re-opening process.
New Student Pickup Schedule Information(PDF)
New Student Pickup Schedule Information (Word)
Laptop/tablet Loan Agreement (PDF)
Laptop/tablet Loan Agreement (Word)
July 13th 2020
Thank you for your patience as we work through this unprecedented time. As information continues to evolve daily, we have felt it would be premature of us to make any final decisions about reopening the school and what structure that should take.
At this time, we have committed to August 5th being our 2020-2021 start date for all grade levels. Due to Governor Ducey’s executive orders, we will be starting our year in a virtual format using Microsoft Teams and Moodle to provide our class time and curriculum to all students. We will be scheduling times for pick up of needed materials including textbooks and laptops to enable this continuation of learning from home.
When Governor Ducey’s executive orders expire, we are currently planning a transition back into classroom-based learning. At this time, we are installing hand sanitizing stations in each classroom and putting up plexiglass barriers in our offices and student store areas. We will be doing sanitation of common areas, including classrooms desks and tables, multiple times a day. We will also be asking for everyone to wear a mask and/or shield whenever on campus. We will continue to follow guidelines for returning to the classroom as we are able to in the space, staff, and time we have available.
We understand that there will be some families who do not feel a return to classroom-based learning will be an option for their student. If you feel like this applies to you please contact our Principal Keri Milliken at [email protected] with the subject line “continued distance learning request”. We are working with our staff to find an option that allows any student who is unable to return to classroom-based learning a way of continuing to earn credit through distance learning.
Please continue to check your email and our website for updates as they become available.
March 30, 2020
Governor Ducey and Arizona State School Superintendent Hoffman announced the extension of school closures through the end of the school year. (You may access this news release at htttp://
While this is not the outcome any of us wanted, TCP staff and students are already working together to maintain continuity of education. Students that continue to participate in the alternative classroom setting and submitting homework online, will still receive course credit for the semester.
Seniors will still be eligible for graduation on May 22, 2020. Details of how our graduation ceremony will occur will be forthcoming as will information about prom, senior awards and sports awards.
Thank you for your continued support.
Please remind students to check their school emails daily.
March 20, 2020
Governor Doug Ducey has asked schools to keep their campuses closed until April 10. Read the full announcement here:
Tri-City Prep is moving online during this time and students should be checking their Tri-City Prep email for updates from their teachers. Any student who doesn’t remember their account info it is the same password they use to login to Moodle and the internet when on campus. Their username is their school email address. Their email address is their [email protected] For example Jayne Doe’s email address would be [email protected] and her password would be the same as her internet access password at school. For anyone having issues please contact Matt Halvorson [email protected]
March 17, 2020
TCP Teachers are working to move assignments online and so students don’t fall behind in this closure. Please have students check their email address both their school and any personal email address we may have on file. We may send assignments and updates to parents’ email address we have on file as well so please watch for any communication coming from the school. As staff are asked to not come into the school unless needed please do not leave voicemails as there is no grantee as to when voicemails will be checked.
High School: High School Students must check their TCP email every day, Monday -Thursday, to learn of the platform by which materials will be delivered and returned.
Middle School: Middle School Students will receive packets of instructional materials from their teachers through the email address TCP has on file. Packets will need to be downloaded, printed, completed, and saved to be returned as a completed packet through email, US mail, or dropped off in the mail slot located by the front door of the high school office/administration building on or before March 30, 2020.
Staff will be tracking progress to document to the Arizona Department of Education that the school provided continuity of educational instruction.
March 15, 2020 – Letter from Governor Doug Ducey & Superintendent Kathy Hoffman Governor Doug Ducey & Superintendent Kathy Hoffman have asked schools to keep classrooms closed until March 27th while offering education as possible. See their letter below. Dear Arizona families, educators, school leaders, and education community members, In our roles as Governor and Superintendent of Public Instruction, we stand united in working with you to keep Arizona’s kids, families, and school communities safe and healthy. Over the past few weeks and in coordination with public health officials, we have been in close communication with school administrators to provide guidance and be a resource as it relates to the recent outbreak of COVID-19. The health and safety of all our students is our top priority, and we’ve worked hard to keep our school doors open — these are important assets in people’s lives and many families rely on them for nutrition and access to health care. Both of our staffs have been working together in partnership through the weekend, and we’ve been in touch with educational leaders on the frontlines. Currently, staffing and potential absences are a concern in many districts. Many schools and school districts have announced closures. Today, we are jointly announcing the closure of all schools from Monday, March 16, 2020 through Friday, March 27, 2020. We will continue to work together and assess this situation on a 24/7 basis. It’s important for families and parents to know that while this will address operational issues, doing this will not stop the spread of COVID-19. The safest place for children during this time is at home. They should not be cared for by elderly adults or those with underlying health conditions, including grandparents and other family members. Additionally, we are committed to working together to minimize the impact of these closures. To that end, we are assembling resources and forming community partnerships that will reduce the impact of these closures on families, teachers, and school communities. Efforts are underway to ensure that any child has access to meals while schools are closed. We have also worked with USDA to allow schools to begin summer food service operations and provide boxed meals as needed. Your local school will have more information about how and where to access meals. We understand many parents have questions about childcare options. It is the recommendation of public health officials that kids who are not at school remain at home to the greatest extent possible. For families for whom that’s not an option, we are coordinating with partners in the non-profit, faith-based and education communities to make available childcare options to families who need it. For our dedicated school employees, we’re working together to make sure you don’t see any disruption to your pay. We’ll also be consulting with our district and legislative partners to determine the extent of any potential makeup days. Many parents, teachers, and administrators may have questions about statewide testing. We’re currently engaging with our federal partners in the event that we need to secure a waiver. The Department of Education will provide additional guidance to schools that will be posted to For the latest information about COVID-19, please visit This website is updated daily with new information. We will continue to remain in close contact with state and public health officials to provide the most up-to-date information and ensure that the State of Arizona is doing everything we can to keep every member of our community healthy and safe. We are asking schools to please adhere to the following measures during this period of closure:
- School administrators should make every effort to provide continued education learning opportunities through online resources or materials that can be sent home.
- School administrators should develop a plan to continue breakfast and lunch services for Arizona students.
- As demand rises on healthcare professionals and first responders, schools should expand child care programs currently available to ensure minimal disruption to these critical jobs as a result of the school closure.
- When school resumes, school administrators should develop and implement precautions to ensure schools are a safe learning environment, including social distancing measures, regular intervals for administrators to wash and sanitize their hands, and guidance on how to properly and frequently sanitize election equipment and common surfaces.
Sincerely, Governor Doug Ducey & Superintendent Kathy Hoffman
03/14/2020 – Letter from the Superintendent
Dear TCP Families:
It is often said of TCP that we are a family. We are more than student, teachers and parents; we are all part of a community that is working together for the good of the students. Our motto, Keeping Standards High and Helping Students Reach Them, is foremost in our minds as we address the current and changing conditions surrounding COVID-19 and make plans for continuity of educational instruction.
The TCP Board of Education held an emergency meeting March 14, 2020. After review of documents, advice from an attorney and discussion, they voted to close Tri-City College Prep for one week, March 16, 2020 through March 19, 2020. One week was chosen because TCP can use it’s one snow day, the two days over the required number of days in session, and the extra hours in each TCP day to close for one week without having to extend the school year. The Board will be meeting again Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 4:00pm in the school library to determine further action. You can contact Board Members through their email addresses available on the school website.
Continuity of educational instruction, the educational needs of graduating seniors, advice from experts in various fields, instruction from Arizona Department of Education and other government entities, as well as the practicality of closing and input from stakeholders will continue to be taken into consideration.
We are in constant communications with the Arizona Department of Education, Arizona State Board for Charter Schools, Yavapai County Health Department and other experts and resources. We will be closely monitoring the situation and any change will be communicated to parents through School Messenger and on the website.
You can also monitor the latest updates on COVID-19 in Arizona by visiting the website For Yavapai County, you can visit the Yavapai County Community Health Service at their website, On March 12, 2020 the Arizona Department of Education created a document that can be accessed on their website, The website for the Center for Disease Control is Unnecessary panic can make situations worse and it is important to rely on credible sources and medical experts as sources of information.
Parents, please be sure TCP has the most current contact information for you so we can contact you with updates via the School Messenger program. Thank you for working with us and for being part of the TCP family.
Mary Ellen Halvorson